
Danielle Yokell

Advisor Headshot

Financial Concierge

I help shape my clients’ financial paths, enabling them to uncover their own values around wealth. I love acting as the steward of this journey, advising them through discovery and ultimately implementation.

What inspired you to join Bernstein?

I was a journalism and Spanish literature major at Northwestern University in Evanston, Illinois. My initial plan was to become a foreign correspondent in Argentina. Working in finance wasn’t my long-term plan—yet, life takes us on weird twists and turns. A conversation with my now managing director changed my mind and the course of my life. He asked why I liked journalism and my response was, “Because I love developing relationships with people and am fascinated by how their experiences translate into tangible action.” Writing was secondary to that. He encouraged me to consider business school to provide other career opportunities. Harvard Business School helped me to focus my love of connection and marry it with an interest in, and ultimately a passion for, the markets. Upon graduating from business school, I knew wealth management was going to be my lifelong pursuit. I began my deep dive into understanding the nuances of various wealth management firms; AB was the clear choice.

What kind of experience do you offer to your clients?

I am my clients’ financial concierge, meaning anything that remotely touches their finances is in my wheelhouse. My hope is to offer an effortless advisory experience. Nothing makes me happier than when a client tells me that I’ve made something that was inherently stressful stress-free.

I fundamentally believe that my role as an advisor extends well beyond adhering to a decided upon investment strategy. With many of my clients who have young children, I work to develop an understanding of their family values around wealth and how to translate them into action. Clients often ask, “How can I raise my kids in a privileged environment without them acting privileged?” Along with our family engagement team, I lead clients through a process that I hope will help them raise thoughtful, balanced, selfless children who will eventually become impactful stewards of their capital.

What passions do you pursue outside of work?

I’m a founding advisor to a startup called MoneyGirls, born out of a desire to see women have more confidence in, and take better control of, their financial futures. Founded with my business school classmate and close friend, our goal is to ensure that the emerging generation of women is financially empowered.

Outside of MoneyGirls, I live in Mill Valley, California, with my husband, who spends his time saving the planet, our two kids and our Sheepadoodle Harriet.