What inspired you to join Bernstein?
Trust is more than a five-letter word. As all of us have learned at some point in life—albeit oftentimes the hard way—it’s the actions of those we trust that define that responsibility. As a lobbyist and former leader of a major trade association, my life has been defined by aligning my interests with those of my clients. When they win, I win. It sounds simple, but in a world where the focus is often on the product rather than the client, building a relationship on a foundation of trust is imperative.
Bernstein embodies this at our core. As a legal fiduciary, we lead the single largest independent research effort on Wall Street. That knowledge guides our steady hand as we plan for the next evolution by building closely integrated, customized investment solutions that will bring our client's dreams to life.
What kind of experience do you offer to your clients?
While all of my clients have unique backgrounds, there are common threads at their core that unite them. They have all been successful in their own right, and while their professional lives may be defined by singular words such as entrepreneur, business owner, or entertainer, it is the rest of their lives that they entrust to us.
Many of my clients are first-generation wealth creators whose success has been fueled by their raw ambition and creative abilities. They keep moving forward and breaking boundaries, ensuring that progress is their path to success. By connecting them with other like-minded professionals, I create a team around them that’s ready for what lies ahead. My clients look to me to ask the right questions and map out a plan for their own continued success. I advocate on their behalf just as many of their clients look to them in their professional lives. This mirroring of trust and seamless stewardship is what allows me to illuminate their path forward.
What passions do you pursue outside of work?
I’m fortunate as my personal and professional lives have always been closely imprinted on one another. While others may live by the adage that we work so that we can enjoy everything else in life, I have always felt fulfilled by enjoying what I do and who I work with.
Whether it’s on the racetrack or golf course, I enjoy mentoring the next generation of leaders and business owners outside of the boardroom to help actively shape the future of my community. This investment into others’ success, by providing educational and networking opportunities for new business owners, ensures that they themselves can provide for the next generation.