What has inspired you to stay at Bernstein for as long as you have?
Client-First Culture: The ultimate reward of wealth is being able to enjoy it. This typically comes in the form of having a comprehensible strategy, a firm that has the foresight to look toward the future and a partner whose interests are aligned with yours. Enduring businesses, such as Bernstein’s, do more than meet their clients’ needs today. They act as visionaries helping clients see and prepare for what’s coming next. Being prepared brings reduced anxiety, which allows clients to fully reap the benefits of their wealth. At Bernstein, our interests will always align with those of our clients. The accountability that we take for every decision provides better outcomes and an uncommon level of clarity. We ensure that clients understand exactly what we’re doing for them and most importantly, the why behind it. Our firm is committed to building a culture of diverse perspectives, which is why we include clients in every decision.
What passions do you pursue outside of work?
Back on My Feet: Bernstein thinks globally but acts locally. Our collective belief is that we have a responsibility to give back to the communities in which we serve. This mentality inspired me to join Back on My Feet, a national organization that seeks to revolutionize the way society approaches homelessness. Its unique model pairs physical activity with practical resources to help individuals, recruited from homeless or addiction and treatment facilities, re-enter the workforce. The program demonstrates the power of restoring confidence, strength and self-esteem in order to redirect one’s life. Once those are intact, then individuals are better equipped to tackle the road ahead in terms of securing greater stability. For all in need, Back on My Feet provides career training and employment resources, an environment that promotes accountability and a community that offers compassion and hope. The ultimate intention is for recipients to achieve the independence they crave.
What’s the best way for people to put their wealth in perspective?
State of the Art: At Bernstein, we take a thoughtful approach called “Integrated Wealth Management.” This means that we start our process by exploring your goals and dreams, whether that’s saving for retirement, selling a business or taking care of future generations. We build a plan that’s right for your circumstances. Plus, instead of a fragmented group of managers, Bernstein builds a team of experts who work together with real-time knowledge of everything you own. The senior women and men in Portfolio Management ensure your portfolio mirrors changing risks and opportunities. And, as your fiduciary, we are legally entrusted to act in clients’ best interests and held to a higher standard than the state of the industry. Finally, since it’s what you keep that counts, we minimize or defer taxes across your portfolio not just at the end of the year, but year-round. Bernstein was founded on the idea that you deserve more than the state of the industry...here, you’ll find state of the art.