VP/National Director, Core Client Group

Jared Goldsmith

Advisor Headshot

A Passion for People

For as long as I can remember, my passion has been coaching and mentoring other people. Today, I feel so blessed to do what I love every single day as a Senior Manager and Chief Operations Officer in our New York City office.

What has inspired you to stay at Bernstein for as long as you have?

Bernstein has provided world-class investment research and management to clients for decades, but what is often overlooked is how unique and special our teams truly are. As a Senior Manager with over 15 years of experience, I know how rare it is to have the kind of culture that we have at Bernstein. The curiosity of our people, client-focus, collaboration and humanity that is embedded in our culture inspires me to continue driving progress and change. Bernstein’s value of doing right even when no one is watching aligns perfectly with my own moral compass and permeates throughout the organization to bring confidence to our clients.

What inspired you to join Bernstein?

My parents and extended family have impacted my life in the most positive, profound way. Throughout my childhood, I was told on a regular basis stories about hard work, persistence, acting with integrity and appreciating the sacrifices prior generations had made for us. Fortunately, the same values I admired in my own family are exactly what I see as the threads that tie together the cultural fabric at the firm. Bernstein continues to evolve by recognizing, supporting and championing its greatest asset: its people. By enhancing our investment offerings, updating processes and procedures, evaluating new recruiting strategies and building a more inclusive culture we give our Bernstein team what they need to do the absolute best for our clients. Bernstein treats its people with the utmost respect, which we then, in turn, give to our clients.

What passions do you pursue outside of work?

From age 12 onward, thanks in large part to an enthusiastic 7th grade teacher, I became obsessed with the Spanish language and culture. This quickly transformed into a fascination with learning the Spanish language and traveling to Spain so I could interact with and get to know the country through the locals. Today, my wife, son and I, who are avid and aspiring world travelers, take every opportunity to have new experiences together. This could be something as simple as attending a new art exhibition or learning about our family’s heritage. We have enjoyed exploring different countries, including various parts of the Caribbean and Europe, and studying new languages as a family unit. Whatever the medium, we seek to understand the new and unexplored.