
Michael Heneghan

Solid Work Ethic and a Smile

I allocate funds for the wealthy so they don’t fret about the future. With a growing list of investment choices, it’s important that clients understand each one and how it will specifically bring to fruition their desired life.

What inspired you to join Bernstein?

First and foremost, it was the people. For over 20 years I have worked in the investment industry, which means I know it inside and out. From the beginning, I’ve always believed the people at Bernstein were the best: intelligent, driven and pillars for the highest ethical standards. Secondly, I felt that Bernstein’s training program and level of innovation were superior to other investment management firms. Finally, I truly believe our integrated approach to investment management helps clients achieve better returns and ultimately, their investment goals. Joining Bernstein was an easy decision and I felt honored to simply receive the opportunity!

What passions do you pursue outside of work?

Outside of work and travel, my time is consumed by my amazing two kids. Hey, no complaints here because I absolutely love spending time with them! While some may dislike the constant running around and packed activities calendar, I made a vow at the beginning that I would never miss a game. My personal goal is to work with each of them, on an individual level, so they can become better at everything they want to do. Watching their hard work pay off is thrilling, as is seeing their confidence grow after they have overcome a new challenge. Fatherhood has taught me a great deal and my greatest ambition in this role is to help my kids build skills that will be instrumental to their success.

Who has been the most influential person in your life?

The questions, “Who is your idol?” or, “Who has been the most influential person in your life?” are the easiest for me to answer because the response never changes: my Father. After spending time in the Navy, my Father worked at the Post Office. However, his career was cut short due to many hip replacements and a debilitating case of arthritis. Still, throughout his career, my Father was always known for his incredible work ethic and positive attitude. I honestly can’t say that I ever heard him complain. Unfortunately, while our family lost him to cancer, there is a silver lining: until the end, he always had a smile on his face. Every day, within my work and in my personal life, I try to carry all of the exemplary traits he modeled for me. Being given the opportunity to answer this question or, more profoundly, name my son in his honor were easy decisions. They are, most importantly, a testament to the wonderful man that he was. So, he lives on.