Wealth Advisor

Winston Justice

Advisor Headshot

Believer, Husband, Father, Coach and Teammate

We are all searching for significance and meaning. Yet, on this journey we are never alone because we can impact our communities. By gaining insight into my clients, I help them grow, achieve and make a difference.

What inspired you to join Bernstein?

My incentive to join Bernstein was our innovative approach to wealth management, which enables me to combine finance, business and my personal philanthropic mission. Through the Bernstein platform, my clients have access to thought leadership, tip-of-the-spear research and experts in different sectors. This enables me to combine mission and finance. At Bernstein, I improve lives by doing what I enjoy most.

What differentiates you from other advisors?

My multi-year experience of being a part of a team taught me how to assemble an optimal team, which is critical to wealth management. In addition to creating the perfect team, I also know how to lead, and be a team player, which is directly tied to successfully executing a financial plan. My goal as an advisor is to fulfill the financial ambitions of institutions and families to the best of my ability. A benefit of taking the team approach to wealth management is being able to identify the weaknesses and strengths of an institution or a family’s way of handling their wealth. After taking the time to identify them, you can provide well-rounded solutions to fix the issues. I was a part of some championship teams and I know how vital it is to put the best players in the right spots—especially spots that encourage accountability. An ideal team member is someone who aims to improve the team or company overall, and strives for something bigger than themselves.

What passions do you pursue outside of work?

My passion outside of work is coaching my kids in football and basketball. I coach my children at their school and local West Nashville teams. Experiencing new adventures with my wife also tops my outside-of-work to-do list—especially when they involve exploring new places and foods, or giving back to our community. I also love acting in church plays. As a co-owner and founder of Elixr Coffee Roasters, I love helping my brother-in-law, Evan Inatome, roast beans and try new coffees. Also, searching for the best sushi in the world remains one of my favorite things to do. My favorite sushi spots are Sugar Fish in Los Angeles; the Japanese fish market in Tokyo; and Shinji by Kanesaka in Singapore. Above all, I work hard to make a positive impact in the community my family and I are blessed to live in.